Thursday 27 August 2020

Consult for World-Class Website Redesign Services

Website Redesign Services

Are you looking for aesthetic website redesign services? Hire our trusted and highly distinguished website redesign company. With an appealing outlook and creative edge, our company provides a great and intelligent website redesign services. We work on one simple mission, to produce effective and amazing website redesign.

Our company “Pixlogix” is well-known in re-structuring your website design and updating the current content, format, or navigation of web pages. Our designing experts design world-class digital design for your business. Hire our web redesign experts and turn your expectations into a reality. With Pixlogix, hire the creative website redesign agency for your next big thing in the market. Call us now and seek assistance with our experts.

Contact us at:

Phone: +1 (323) 455-4641



Wednesday 29 July 2020

Hire the Expert UI Designer for Intuitive Product Design

Are you searching for the best UI design company in India that can design eye-catching UI-UX for your product? You should consult Pixlogix. We are a leading partner in your creativity and innovation to bring more customers. We provide an appealing user interface design structure to improve the overall structure of your website.


We offer UI design services that help your end-user to find your product engagingly. Being the highest rating UI design company, we utilize the great UI tactics and methodologies to render fine-looking and high-functioning products to our potential customers. Right from implementing visual graphics, using the user interface/ user experience design plans, our company stays ahead of the curvature in offering UI design services. Hence, hire UI designer with Pixlogix and get a world-class user interface design for your business website.


Contact us at:

Phone: +1 (323) 455-4641


Monday 13 July 2020

Hire the Best Web Design Company in India

Best Web Design Company

Best Web Design Company

Are you looking for a leading web design company in India that can design an amazing website for your business? Think about Pixlogix.  Pixlogix is the best web design company India that is specializing in crafting appealing website design that can attract customer’s attention to your business. We follow a collaborative methodology for designing a website with an ensured high-quality result. Working with dedicated designers and industry leaders, our company offers web design services and design unique websites that look great on every device.

We offer invaluable expertise that can cater to the needs of your company and also, helps to increase the traffic to your website. We work to design a website that can append a new layer of integrity and create an amazing digital space. Let’s consult Pixlogix and hire a web designer with us to get unmatched website designing services.

Contact us at:
Phone: +1 (323) 455-4641

Friday 4 May 2018

6 Best UI & UX Mobile App Design Practices to Watch Out in 2018

Best UI & UX Mobile App Design Practices to Watch Out in 2018

Every year the rate of increase in Smartphone sales is increasing and so is the necessity of the apps. Therefore the app market has also boomed over several years. The UI/UX Mobile App Development Market is so competitive that there is more than one app for every application and number of those apps is also increasing. So, if one wants to survive in the competition, he/she have to make it different from the competitors.

UI/UX is the only thing which is different in some apps with common applications. Hence, if we want to make a lasting impression on the user, we have to make a unique and simple UI which can enhance the User experience more than the competitors. For this, we need to hire top professionals who are highly experienced in the field of UI/UX development. No tricks or tips are implementing which we can attract more customers yet; there are some trends which every successful UI/UX developer follows that can help us achieve better User Experience.

1. Responsive App Design
Mobile App Design Mockup

Responsive app design is the latest trend in the UI/UX mobile app development. Every user wants a responsive design so that the app fits on screens with different dimensions and resolutions. Issues related to display are one of the most common issues among users. Therefore, a UI/UX mobile app developer must design the interface such that it can easily fit in the different screen sizes.

2. Unique App Icon
Unique App Icons Image

It is said that “Never judge a book by its cover” But, this is not true in the case of apps. The app icon is the first thing that a user sees which is a part of UI/UX mobile app development before even downloading the app. App Logo or Icon briefs us about the app and its Experience. Hence, a Unique and attractive app logo can certainly attract more users compared to a less appealing Logo or icon. It is the major marketing element to market any app.

3. Follow Content Rules
We all know that the UI/UX mobile app development and textual content go hand in hand. Hence, a UI/UX mobile app developer should also take care of the content such that it is not quite lengthy and difficult to understand. Sometimes to explain the user about the app a concise but meaningful content can help a lot. We can use simple words in the form of idioms or phrases to explain the Interface and working with the app.

4. Reduce Accessibility Issues
The obstacles that come to the user while using the app should get rid of as quickly as possible. The UI/UX developer must remove all the obstacles and make the user experience as clean as possible. An attractive finger-friendly design can help increase the downloads. Tiny buttons on any app make the User experience quite inconvenient. Hence, special care must be taken by the UI/UX developer while designing the UI.

5. Use Appealing Colors
Beautiful and attractive but not too saturated colors always attract users. But, we have to make sure that the color that is used in the app is unique and does not resemble with any other app. Also, the color combination which is selected by the UI/UX mobile app developer should be such that it resembles the colors present in company's logo. A bright and enhanced design is believed to be the most impactful.

6. Keep Pace with The Latest Trends
The world of UI/UX is changing so, fast that it takes only a few days for any design to get older. Therefore, every UI/UX developer should be aware of the latest design and trends. Latest design trends can help the UI/UX development in two ways: first of all it enhances the user experience to a greater extent, and secondly, it reduces the size of an app which is a huge benefit.

Above mentioned UI/UX design trends can help UI/UX mobile app developers to compete in this highly demanding and challenging environment. Implementation of these techniques can help any app to become SEO friendly and also it will help to make it lightweight & attractive at the same time.

Thursday 8 February 2018

How Responsive Web Design Can Help Your SEO Strategy?

How responsive web design can help your SEO strategy?- Pixlogix

We now live in a mobile-first era. That is because most of the users are addicted to Smartphone and tablets, and it is not going to end.

According to the Statistical Data, it is observed that the total number of mobile phone users around the world is increasing every year. In 2018, the number of mobile phone users is forecasted to reach 4.93 billion

Consequently, Businesses will have to focus on making their website – Mobile Friendly.

With the advancement of new technologies and changing user preferences, a new concept came into existence known as Responsive web designs.

Get to know about Responsive web designs

Responsive web design helps you to optimize your website for both mobile and desktop use. It has the capability to adapt to any screen size without any hassle. If we look from the SEO perspective than responsive web designs are worthwhile.

How responsive web design can help your SEO strategy?

1. Boost your Search rankings

Google is the king of all search engines. According to Google, responsive web designs are highly recommended to get noticed on search results. They perform better in search rankings because they use unique URL rather than different URL for a separate mobile version of the website.

2. Beating the cost

Earlier, businesses had to develop two websites for two mediums, one for the website and one for mobile separately! This would cost double. Also, the site was not fully responsive; user needs to visit a website through desktop for full visibility of a website. Your SEO cost also increases as it has to accommodate two different URL’s instead one.

3. Less data redundancy

When you develop two different websites for desktop and mobile, a content of the website remains same though the URL is different. This duplicate content leads you to bad rankings. Google cannot identify itself which content is most relevant and that is the content being indexed. Results in lower ranking in search results.

This is another benefit of the responsive website that can deal with duplicate content. You can carry out SEO on a single site using single URL regardless of any device used to view the content

4. Speed optimization

You must have experienced ‘buffering’ and ‘loading’ of websites when you try to search clicking on URL. A website takes a longer time to load and you get frustrated switching off to another site. To overcome this Responsive website are important. They are dynamic in nature and run a code that optimizes the website and user can browse at a rapid speed.

5. Boosting social media sharing

Responsive websites are developed in a way to make the social sharing easy mostly for mobile users. Though it does not have a direct impact on rankings but helps in generating traffic. More traffic means more customer engagement leading to increased search demand for your brand.

Social media can help SEO, sharing, posting, commenting are an integral part of SEO. If the user wants to share the content, It will be difficult if your website is purely desktop-based to share the post, content on a social media channel.


Thinking to develop a responsive website? First get to know who your target audience is and what you want to convey them with the help of a website. Further, you can also plan a successful SEO strategy for your website. To leverage a responsive website and SEO strategy get in touch with us at Pixlogix