Thursday 8 February 2018

How Responsive Web Design Can Help Your SEO Strategy?

How responsive web design can help your SEO strategy?- Pixlogix

We now live in a mobile-first era. That is because most of the users are addicted to Smartphone and tablets, and it is not going to end.

According to the Statistical Data, it is observed that the total number of mobile phone users around the world is increasing every year. In 2018, the number of mobile phone users is forecasted to reach 4.93 billion

Consequently, Businesses will have to focus on making their website – Mobile Friendly.

With the advancement of new technologies and changing user preferences, a new concept came into existence known as Responsive web designs.

Get to know about Responsive web designs

Responsive web design helps you to optimize your website for both mobile and desktop use. It has the capability to adapt to any screen size without any hassle. If we look from the SEO perspective than responsive web designs are worthwhile.

How responsive web design can help your SEO strategy?

1. Boost your Search rankings

Google is the king of all search engines. According to Google, responsive web designs are highly recommended to get noticed on search results. They perform better in search rankings because they use unique URL rather than different URL for a separate mobile version of the website.

2. Beating the cost

Earlier, businesses had to develop two websites for two mediums, one for the website and one for mobile separately! This would cost double. Also, the site was not fully responsive; user needs to visit a website through desktop for full visibility of a website. Your SEO cost also increases as it has to accommodate two different URL’s instead one.

3. Less data redundancy

When you develop two different websites for desktop and mobile, a content of the website remains same though the URL is different. This duplicate content leads you to bad rankings. Google cannot identify itself which content is most relevant and that is the content being indexed. Results in lower ranking in search results.

This is another benefit of the responsive website that can deal with duplicate content. You can carry out SEO on a single site using single URL regardless of any device used to view the content

4. Speed optimization

You must have experienced ‘buffering’ and ‘loading’ of websites when you try to search clicking on URL. A website takes a longer time to load and you get frustrated switching off to another site. To overcome this Responsive website are important. They are dynamic in nature and run a code that optimizes the website and user can browse at a rapid speed.

5. Boosting social media sharing

Responsive websites are developed in a way to make the social sharing easy mostly for mobile users. Though it does not have a direct impact on rankings but helps in generating traffic. More traffic means more customer engagement leading to increased search demand for your brand.

Social media can help SEO, sharing, posting, commenting are an integral part of SEO. If the user wants to share the content, It will be difficult if your website is purely desktop-based to share the post, content on a social media channel.


Thinking to develop a responsive website? First get to know who your target audience is and what you want to convey them with the help of a website. Further, you can also plan a successful SEO strategy for your website. To leverage a responsive website and SEO strategy get in touch with us at Pixlogix

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