Wednesday 26 July 2017

Blog – Magento Extension for Multiple Blog Creation by Pixlogix

Pixlogix is a leading Web design, Web Development, Magento extension Development Company which is presented Blog — Magento Extension.
The Blog — Magento Extension Provide multiple blog creation and management features. The extension has included multi features like category, tag, author, post date, search many features as WordPress This Blog Extension has a responsive design and supports Magento 1.9.x.
# Key Features
— Blog post creation
— Blog categories, tags and author creation
— Blog Search and Sidebar widgets
— Archives — Month, Category and Tag
— Social Sharing, Tag Clouds
— Dynamic Blog URL
— Grid and List view
— Disqus or Default Comment
— Import/Export posts data
— Featured & Latest blog posts
For Download and detailed features please explore from below URL:

What are Magento extensions must for an online shopping store?

  (1)  Contact form builder flexible forms:

There are different ways in which admin can add Magento contact form extension easily into a new form. Admin is authorized to disable or enable module and captcha from admin settings page using contact form Magento; admin can also disable or enable captcha from form edit page, disable or enable notifications coming from the email from form edit page or admin settings page. For receiving email, notifications admin can also suggest multiple email addresses. By clicking on “Send me a copy” user can adjust the notifications settings. Contact form extension supports version till magento1.9 responsive theme. Perhaps, Admin can make use of any form of product inquiry on product page using Magento form builder.
Website development is a difficult task. There are many important points to keep in mind while building a website from which a contact form is a must. The website is a medium through which we can directly contact the dealer for business efficiently. It is the most traditional ways nowadays to communicate with business persons directly. Magento contact forms are the best way to remain in touch with the customers. Hence, it is an enabler to the Magento extension of a business-customer relation. These forms are a remarkable way to provide feedback to large enterprises. We can build these forms and add to the website using form builder Magento.
In each of the ways, the customer is directly communicating with the business. The best way to improve relations between customers and companies is a Magento extension form. Using Magento form builder, one can modify the Contact form and the contents of mail flexibly with simple changes. Contact form Magento extension offers customization feature that can help in changing the contact form as the user wants. Downloading and Installation of Contact form Magento extension is easy.

Adding blog post with associated category, tag, author and post-date using Magento Blog extension is easy. Admin can do it easily. Admin can also dynamically disable or enable comments and shares from the configuration. Featured comments can be easily secured by users that are logged in. All side bar widgets can be managed by setting page options.
The customer can take a look at different archive pages when they want. Using best blog extension for Magento, we can make the content SEO Friendly. It has also got various sidebar options to manage sidebars with the facility to disable or enable blocks. Using blog Magento extension Admin can also set multiple page layouts and post detail page that user can see.
For owning a proprietary Magento Online store, it is vital to choose the right blog extension for blog editing. It attracts more users, increase traffic and increase User experience. Conversion prices are doubled once the good blog campaigns are chosen to provide user-friendly features.

Regular blog updates can help users or consumers to always keep in touch with the activities going on in an organization. Regular blog updates will also help the website to come up in the Google search and helps improve SEO. Blog Magento extensions are most necessary for making an online store perfect. Blog Magento extensions will always be a guide for users or consumers visiting the website. For a proper understanding of a product or service User is always looking for such blog extensions then contact Pixlogix InfoTech.

Tuesday 25 July 2017


It’s completely wrong to say that PSD to HTMLconversation was a bad idea for development. It’s certainly not a bad idea for front end development. PSD to HTML conversion is one of the finest ways to construct a cheap dynamic website. It helps to generate good revenue for your business and allows you to have a strong online presence through the internet.
Coding is the only one that is difficult in this process. If there is anybody who can develop a good code for PSD to HTML conversion, the website will be perfect. So it might be necessary for companies to employ PSD to HTML developers to convert PSD to HTML to increase online marketing.

Monday 17 July 2017

5 Reasons To Convert PSD to WordPress Conversion Services

In the current day, WordPress is the most famous CMS (Content Management System) for blogging and e-Commerce websites. WordPress users can install and shift between various themes.
If already build the amazing web page, but lacking to take the expected fame on the web then it requires WordPress service which can do lots of web pages to build it famous in the web field across the world.

Why need PSD to WordPress Conversion?
PSD to WordPress is just simple conversation web design into a responsive web page. For the better and effective result designers convert PSD to WordPress theme websites into attractive tempting. Here are top 5 reasons that need to convert PSD to WordPress Responsive Themes.

1.    Elevated user Experience and Usage:
For the better usage in internet surfing, easy to find, amazing graphics are some of the amazing user experiences which are upgrading demand for PSD to WordPress conversion now these days. Self-generating is play an important role in elevating user experience as an example of giving responsive web designs to the users. WordPress development has decreased the coding striving and therefore it’s simple to add pages, videos, hyperlinks and much more.

2.    Making of Perfect Pixel website:
A responsive design completely trusts on a perfect pixel resolution. Every designer has a dream to build a perfect pixel design for the website. PSD to WordPress conversion is helping to gain this aim very easily. If perfect pixel website wants to design then these steps must need to follow:
1.    Choose a grid
2.    Make Vertical rhythm to text
3.    Use the capable vector graphics for retina
4.    Make perfect pixel icons
5.    CSS coding
6.    Examining

PSD to WordPress development reacts as the habit of beautiful designing of websites with Photoshop and conversion. The ratios of the pixel are often maintained by the layers.

3.    Praiseworthy features of WordPress:
The designers are building PSD individual website with the great conversation into a strong markup language so it can be launched in the browser instead of following such management and build strong WordPress conversion.

Changing designers and developers:
Convert PSD to responsive WordPress services are replacing designers and developers. It does not only save the time but also decrease the provoked cost in hiring the designers and developers for these conversions. Here is an imperiling to affect steps complicated in PSD to WordPress conversion:
1.    PSD file examination
2.    Break the files PSD into HTML
3.    Dividing PSD file
4.    Fusing HTML/CSS through WordPress
5.    Examining
Follows the steps and get easily convert PSD to WordPress in India design.

4.    Website business development:
The right selection of WordPress platform is prospering to the website business where shifting from PSD to WordPress development it should be responsive. Capability and flexibility are two important factors which offer PSD to WordPress sites. This ultimate growth of business and it will gain the new milestones in the future.

Apart from this, no FTP and HTML software is required while making the websites with PSD to WordPress conversion is the full system in an own way to make a responsive website and also help in leading business growth. For that, all you need to do is to hire professional PSD to WordPress developer from pixlogix info.

Sunday 16 July 2017

Why need PSD to Magneto Conversion?

The revolutionary progression in the digital market has compelled the entrepreneur to create an interactive online store which is the unmatched forte of PSD to Magento conversion to augment the visibility of the website is gaining huge popularity across the globe.
Magento Theme Integration is the best way to change the look of your eCommerce site. For that, there are Premium Magento Themes available on many online stores. It is the best for all the requirements of your online store.
If you are using PSD file on your website, then it is easy to transform it to a Magento template with the help of professional PSD to Magento services.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Why do you need responsive website Development Company for your business?

Websites becoming very common so there is no need to explain the importance of it for any business. Today for any online eCommerce store owner who wants to defeat the competition and wants to enjoy and boost sales, it gets important to have a website which is much more appealing. Moreover, if you have spent too much money for web development purpose and get the final website which doesn’t provide users with a navigable and easy to access the website, all your efforts become useless and surely needs Responsive Website Development Company to develop your website.

You should understand that your website is the core of your online business, therefore, if you are not providing your visitors with an easy-to-use and easy to access the website, there is a great chance you lose them, and subsequently, decrease your sales. If you don’t want this thing in your business, then Responsive website design services are must for your business.

You need a website which can work efficiently with all kind of devices, and this is the area where responsive websites become very crucial for any business. There are many reasons to create a responsive website for your website.Let’s see some of the prominent ones:

1. Save your money and reduces your effort:
Responsive website development benefits you not only regarding saving money but also cut down your efforts. After this, you will get a website which works well on all devices and eliminating the need for an exclusive mobile website. There are many SEO benefits by developing a responsive website.

2. Minimize your SEO effort:
You need to build lesser links and require minimal content optimization from various websites. This will help you spending too much money for the SEO efforts. Moreover, the responsive website design services surely have better chance to display higher in search results compares with the sites which just designed for desktop devices. 

3. Convenience:
Another important factor why you should have a responsive website design services is that you can easily l eliminate huge cost on multiple versions because one single site will be enough for every type of devices.

4. Boost Traffic to your website:
Your website visitors are keener over a creative, functional and fast-loading website compares with other unresponsive sites that have lots of graphics. Visitors always want a good website that is accessible.

However, if you have many graphics and designs it certainly slows down the loading of your home page, which creates a really bad impression to your customers and eventually exits from your site. But, if your web page which is responsive and user-friendly, then potential customers will surely like it and helps to boost your traffic and generate more sales.

Therefore, it is very much clear that if you want to stay ahead of your competition, then you surely need responsive website Design Company. Some websites have been able to reduce their bounce rates using this responsive website development.

However, developing such website is a surely difficult task as there is a very little responsive website development company out there like Pixlogix Info. All you need to do is to contact them with your complete requirement. After that, their professional team can develop the best responsive design for your website.


Creating a website that can be tailored to different screen sizes and makes the user simple and enjoyable navigation on the site is an important aspect of getting the desired success on the Web. For that, PSD to HTML Conversion is the most efficient way of designing websites that are not only visually high but equally functional. This process requires skills and needs relevant to be executed by an expert PSD to HTML Developer.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Why Should You Convert HTML to Wordpress Theme?

The website development has changed significantly over last some years. Today, developing a website using HTML is surely becomes things of the past because in HTML websites CSS styles and the scripts were coded with the help of HTML frameworks which make the entire websites very slow. Moreover, lots of time the same code will be loaded for each page, it further slows down the speed of the website. To, resolve this issue you should prefer to Convert HTML to WordPress of your site.

Converting any static HTML site into dynamic WordPress platform offers plenty of benefits to any organization. You need to remember that WordPress is not only blogging platform but also have some amazing features of creating a fully functional website. Here, are some reasons why you should Convert HTML to Wordpress.

1. Open Source and easy to Manage:
First of all, it is open source that means you don’t need to pay any cost. It can be used without any limitations and restriction. It means you can easily host your website any hosting server and also do PSD to WordPress conversion you’re your website.

2. A Dynamic CMS:
The old style HTML sites are static and have lots of pages and lines and code is also complicated to understand. Every web page is similar to one HTML file having same layout and design. On the other hand, WordPress development is easy to create and easy to manage, and that’s it also should prefer over the static HTML website design service.

3. SEO-Friendly:
WordPress has developed for search engines and have many features which are SEO-friendly. Moreover, exceptional WordPress features help search engines from posts, pages, and categories all you should do is to crawl your site and gather the required information. It also benefits search engines to include that site in their database. It surely gives a better ranking to your site in Google and other search engines.

4. Professionally designed themes:
There are thousands of WordPress themes available for the organization to select. So, it is easy to find a theme which exactly or nearly matches with the concept of your website which surely allows you to create a stunning and professionally created website without any extra cost.

4. Huge Community of Developers:
WordPress has a very big community which supports the beginners to guide them through the issues. Another great thing about WordPress is that it is an open-source platform, so WordPress keep contributing to the platform. PSD to WordPress India Developers are continuously releasing new updates that help you to stay happenings in the WordPress World. Thus, the continuous support from the WordPress developer’s community makes it most attractive option for opting PSD to HTML conversion.

5. Customizable According to your Design:
WordPress provides great freedom to you for customizing your as per the designs by choosing a related theme. The theme customization may seem quite complicated job, but it is easy to accomplish with the help of the great WordPress community. Therefore, WordPress should be utilized to create websites depending upon the business preferences.

To, get the PSD to Wordpress Conversion you need a perfect PSD to WordPress India partner who can deliver the best result according to your business need. To get your work done in the cost-effective way you should better opt for Pixlogix Info who has proven track-record of delivering quality result for their clients.


A Right Magento development company ensures that you get your ambition of e-Commerce site fulfilled, whether it is to increase conversion rate or to driving traffic online.
Having a good online store is needed, though there are a plethora of other things which ensure the growth of your business. First thing first, you need a right designing and development company. Besides, if we talk about the other aspect of driving sale & gain profits online, I think you need to consider plenty of things right from the Content management system to e-Commerce checkout and payment gateways. At the same time, you need to take every step securely.
Magento Development Company: One cannot deny the fact that you have various options available to set up an e-Commerce store and get your business operational, but if it is not properly executed, then there is doubt of driving high conversion rate. However, when you look for reliable, effective and affordable website design and Development Company, Magento Website Development can be the best for you. You will get various services under this design & development company.

Thursday 6 July 2017

How To Design Productive Website with WordPress Development Company?

Thinking of creating website or blog? You have a number of options to do that, but WordPress Development Company can be the best online platform to design productive and operational website. Interestingly, you can do all these things in just a few minutes.

Creating a website using WordPress development is very easy and anyone can do this without the help of any developer or designer. The blogging platform is very popular across the globe. Many things are behind for the blogging site that we discus later in this article. According to some media channels, around 500 websites are created every day on Wordpress development platform and over 60 million websites including blogs and apps are operational on the Platform. 

Why WordPress Development?
You have many reasons to choose WordPress platform for creating or building websites or blogs. Here are some of the most taunting reasons why you should choose the most popular blogging platform –WordPress
WordPress Offers Blogging Service Absolutely Free: Even if you earn million dollars a month, the WordPress development company offers complete and authentic service that too for free of charge. Not only the WordPress platform is free for users, you get a world of freedom to use it. In short, it offers every small to large facilities including plugin, tools, themes, and reliability that you need to develop your business.

Easy to Use: WordPress is so flexible that anyone who is not technically advanced and doesn’t have website development knowledge can easily create an operational website. All you need to do is to install WordPress and customize as per your requirement. Around 2600+ themes are available with WordPress so that you can choose the one which is best suitable for you. WordPress theme customization services are absolutely free and one can easily do it.

Ample Plugins to Make Website More Productive: WordPress Plugin Development Services allow you to add extra features to your website. You can install over 31,000+ plugins for free of cost. These are computer software program which helps the website owners to enhance the user experience and also provides ease of operating facility.Apart from that, plug-ins helps business to develop and achieve ranking in Google search too.

Customized Theme: As we have already mentioned the WordPress development services provide every necessary thing that you need to develop your site. WordPress theme allows users to add third party apps and plugins which have huge benefits on your website. While designing, you can update the look of your website by accessing the HTML and CSS files.

Add As Many Pages As Needed: This is one of the most beneficial services provided by WordPress theme customization services. You can add an unlimited number of pages as you want. At the same time, you can also arrange them in any order you want
Search Engine Optimization Friendly: WordPress development service uses high-quality code which is Google compliance and that’s the reasons it makes the website Search engine optimization friendly. Even it can be made more SEO friendly by installing a number of fruitful themes and plugins.

In short, no matter you know something about WordPress or know nothing about developing and designing part, the WordPress development company will make you learn everything easily. Most of the functions are automated. That means it is equipped with built-in updater so that if there is any plugin update available it will update it automatically. 

Choose Professional PSD to Wordpress Conversion!!!

Experts who offer you the best PSD to WordPress conversion services take care of few things that produce brilliant WordPress themes. While performing PSD to WordPress conversion, their full focus is on offering all the technical features such as compliant cross-browser code, SEO Compliance, and W3C Valid, which are required for effective functionality.