Wednesday 26 July 2017

Blog – Magento Extension for Multiple Blog Creation by Pixlogix

Pixlogix is a leading Web design, Web Development, Magento extension Development Company which is presented Blog — Magento Extension.
The Blog — Magento Extension Provide multiple blog creation and management features. The extension has included multi features like category, tag, author, post date, search many features as WordPress This Blog Extension has a responsive design and supports Magento 1.9.x.
# Key Features
— Blog post creation
— Blog categories, tags and author creation
— Blog Search and Sidebar widgets
— Archives — Month, Category and Tag
— Social Sharing, Tag Clouds
— Dynamic Blog URL
— Grid and List view
— Disqus or Default Comment
— Import/Export posts data
— Featured & Latest blog posts
For Download and detailed features please explore from below URL:

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